Subsonic Film makes documentary films for TV.  We also produce web spots, video spots for conferences, music videos, virals and, occasionally, fiction.

We are based in Copenhagen.

We have made projects for DR2, TV2, Amnesty, Ædre Sagen, DSI, S.E.B. and Tina Dickov, amongst others.

The newspaper Politiken had this to say about a 5-part TV series we made in 2005 called Hvad gør vi med Frank? (What to do about Frank?): “The year’s best TV.  TV cannot go more in depth and still be television.”

At Subsonic Film we like to work very closely with our customers.  So close, in fact, that the customer often has an employee on the shoot.

We prefer to work creatively rather than simply document but, then again, we have documented some great events and even managed to be creative in that process.

We prefer an initial informal meeting with our customers. 

Our little company is run along Buddhist/Stoic principles.